Calling Elvis


Öljymaalaus 32 x 40 cm pahvitaustaisella kankaalla, helppo kehystää.

Tämän naivistisen maalauksen ymmärtämiseksi on melkeinpä pakko kuunnella Dire Straitsin samanniminen kappale. Ajatus tähän on ollut jo kauan olemassa, nyt toteutin sen pienenä "terapiaprojektina". Alla biisin sanat ja peräti linkki videoon (pidennetty liveversio, tosin vain audio).

Live-versio vuodelta 1993.

Calling Elvis - is anybody home
Calling Elvis - I'm here all alone
Did he leave the building
Or can he come to the phone
Calling Elvis - I'm here all alone

Well tell him I was calling just to wish him well
Let me leave my number - heartbreak hotel
Oh love me tender - baby dob't be cruel
Return to sender - treat me like a fool

Calling Elvis - is anybody home
Calling Elvis - I'm here all alone
Did he leave the building
Or can he come to the phone
Calling Elvis - I'm here all alone

Why don't you go get him - I'm his biggest fan
You gotta tell him - he's still the man
Long distance baby - so far from home
Don't you think maybe you could put him on

Well tell him I was calling just to wish him well
Let me leave my number - heartbreak hotel
Oh love me tender - baby dob't be cruel
Return to sender - treat me like a fool

Calling Elvis - is anybody home
Calling Elvis - I'm here all alone
Did he leave the building
Or can he come to the phone
Calling Elvis - I'm here all alone

Minusta tämä laulu on puhdasta neroutta: sanoitus, sävellys ja instrumentointi. Maaginen tunnelma!

HINTAVAIHTOEHDOT (lue Infosta valikossa tarkemmin, mitä nämä tarkoittavat):

Calling Elvis, 2021