Silent Conversation


Oilpainting on 50 x 70 cm prefab canvas

The breathtaking photo for this one was taken by my friends on Riisitunturi (I don't think it has an English name), Finnish Lappland. One of the many benefits of living in a Nordic country are these incedible lighting conditions and the special creativity of winter.

With this painting too I have to extend a particular thank you to the commissioners for their patience! There is plenty of detail there to overwhelm the painter but it's another thing to be completely exhausted for months on end... The corona I got in summer of 2022 left an additional bonus, some serious long covid symptoms which until this day haven't completely yielded.

On my Youtube channel there's a video on how to paint the detailed snow on this painting, it's kind of a tutorial. You can watch it there or on this site through the menu "Media".


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