Oilpainting on A4 size special paper for acrylics and oils, ready to hang in a minimalistic frame.

The starting point for this one was a photo of Linda McCartney but I deviated from that so extensively that it wouldn't be fair to title this with the working title "Linda". In any case, she is a person I greatly admire. Someone said that her expression makes you wonder what she is thinking. This is a photo by her husband Paul, therefore I'm inclined to see their extraordinary love here.

Technically this does not represent photorealism and I'll probably never go more than this into that direction. Many have commented that it's like looking at a photo. The comment, while nice and well-intended, probably merits some measure of artistic content but I also hope one sees much more in my works than quite accurate copies of whatever.

PRICE OPTIONS (Please, check Info for details!):
• UNIQUE 180 €

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For Your Eyes Only, 2021