

Oil color on 40 x 50 cm MDF panel, ready to hang in simplistic frame.

A royalty free photo of Masha Raymers on Pexels formed the basis for this painting which I strongly adjusted to my ideas. I wanted a warmer color space, a character that stands out more, and I didn't want to directly copy the face. There's probbaly some resemblance but after the initial sketch I barely looked at the photo.

Sarah Vaughan's version of Misty was playing when I started with this work and it quite naturally set the mood. While creating the color space I kept thinking about the essentially Finnish path to sauna, in the countryside. The heat is still glowing and reflecting in the candle's light. Sadly, this has been one of the most difficult works to photograph... My cell phone doesn't do it justice, but we'll have to do with this.

Sarah's glorious Misty

PRICE OPTIONS (Please, check Info for details!):
• UNIQUE 360 €

Please note that these prices are without packaging and shipping fees, inside of Finland. For international purchases, refer also to the Info section for further detail.

Misty, 2021